
Tariro Dorcas Anifasi

Tariro Dorcas Anifasi, a woman of unwavering faith and resilience, found solace and strength in God amidst the tragic loss of her beloved husband. Through her journey of grief, she discovered the transformative power of community and encountered the support of AEM leaders, including Pastor Frances Rose and Apostle Ashley Estrada. In her pursuit of purpose and healing, Tariro authored her fifth book, "That Audacious Hope: A daily devotional," aspiring to impact the realm of Arts and entertainment for the glory of God.

She firmly believes that attending the 2024 AEM GLC will further equip her to share the message of heaven, align her goals with her Christian values, and illuminate her path with divine purpose, echoing the sentiment of Revelations 4:11 that she was intentionally designed by God to shine forth His love in a unique and impactful manner. This opportunity to engage with global leaders and fellow believers will deepen her relationship with God and empower her to step audaciously into her calling, contributing to the advancement of the kingdom and the flourishing of souls.